Catching a Fesh

Dem Fesh have a mighty appetite for $RUG tokens

Start Feshing

You’ve got it all: bait ($RUG tokens), a cold beer (ETH), made it to the right swemp (Based As Fek on Base Chain), and now that Start Feshing button is staring you down like it knows something you don’t. What lies beneath the surface? There’s only one way to find out... Click the BUTTON!

Approving and Confirming Cast

Are you really ready to fesh? If so, confirm that transaction in your wallet or transactions, pronto! You’ll be charged a cool 0.0001 ETH, and your bait—$RUG tokens—will be wrapped into the elusive Hybrid Fesh (dRFYT NFT). What are you waiting for? Get that approval through before the Fesh swims off into the abyss!

FCK Yeah We Feshing!

If you see this animation below, it means your line is cast, and a Fesh is circling, ready to take the bait. Congrats—you’re about to hook your first Fesh! Now sit tight and get ready for the first catch of the day!

Is it Worth It?

Hell yeah! We snagged our first Fesh, and he sure put up a fight, but he’s finally on board. Now, the real question—did we reel in a prize catch or just a splash in the pond? Let’s check the chart and see if our Fesh is worth the bragging rights!

Last updated